Ever wonder how different themes in the Old Testament match with the message of the New Testament? The Book of Hebrews is a powerful letter written to Christians of Hebrew background, encouraging them to stay true to their faith in Jesus. Here will see all the ways that Jesus fulfills the promises as Messiah and makes us partakers of the New Covenant, which lasts forever. Join us in learning from and listening to Jesus.
The Truth of what we believe
"How do you know what you believe is true?"
If you've ever been asked a question like this and struggled to put together a response, you're not alone. As Christians we believe what the Bible says, but it can often be challenging to explain or defend the truth of our faith. Join us as we explore the foundational truth of Christian faith and gain some equipment for those conversations. We are all on a journey of faith.
If you've ever been asked a question like this and struggled to put together a response, you're not alone. As Christians we believe what the Bible says, but it can often be challenging to explain or defend the truth of our faith. Join us as we explore the foundational truth of Christian faith and gain some equipment for those conversations. We are all on a journey of faith.
Abraham: Walking By Faith
We are all on a journey of faith. Life has twists and turns and many challenges, but it still comes down to a daily walk of trust and obedience. Join us over the next few Sundays as we look at the life of Abraham, a man of remarkable faith. He is a model for us in this call to trust and obey the Lord. .
Holy Spirit
As we enter a new year of walking with God, we will focus on the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and how we can best walk in step with Him. Join us as we consider how the Spirit has gifted each of us, and how he wants to guide and empower our church's ministry.
Jesus did a lot of his teaching by story-telling. We call those stories parables. In these parables we find truth brought forward in everyday life and everyday language. Over the next few weeks we will be exploring the stories of Jesus and see where we fit in and what that means for living in His Kingdom.
2 Corinthians
There are times when it is simply good to know you are not alone. In life we can face both challenges and joys and in each situation there is richness in knowing that God is with us, and also that we have fellowship with one another.
In the New Testament letter of 2 Corinthians, we learn many aspects of what this bond means. We are bonded with Jesus Christ forever. And as his people, we are with each other.
In the New Testament letter of 2 Corinthians, we learn many aspects of what this bond means. We are bonded with Jesus Christ forever. And as his people, we are with each other.
More From 2023
Find special programs, inspiring testimonies, and sermons not part of our regular preaching series. Pastors, lay-ministers, church members and guests have participated in sharing with us truth from God's Word and gratefulness for God's compassionate action within their life.
1 Peter
The first Christians had to live out their faith in turbulent times. Many faced persecution and threat. Their faith was tested. The Apostle Peter wrote to encourage them and strengthen their faith. How do we stay strong in Jesus when there are challenges? How do we live out our faith today, when our society no longer shares Christian values? God's Word has the answers. Join us on Sundays this Fall as we look at the New Testament letter of 1 Peter.
More From 2022
Find special programs, inspiring testimonies, and sermons not part of our regular preaching series. Pastors, lay-ministers, church members and guests have participated in sharing with us truth from God's Word and gratefulness for God's compassionate action within their life.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best News ever. It is life changing and miraculous, and it is the only News that has the power to save us. It is a message of salvation that sets us free, and also makes us one. Jesus wants you to live in freedom, and live abundantly in unity! In this series we will see the depth of the Gospel story and its importance for our Christian lives.
Come and See
With Advent, we are embarking on "Come and See", a year of spiritual renewal meeting Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. This journey will take us through Lent, Easter and Pentecost, and the life of Christ as recorded in the third Gospel.
"What is Jesus doing? How can we join in? Come and See!"
"What is Jesus doing? How can we join in? Come and See!"
Living out the gospel is our calling as believers in Jesus.
In this world, we need help to do it well. In a majestic and yet down to earth way, Paul's letter to the Ephesians provides a thorough guide to the wonders of the Good News and also the blueprint for living in its Light. Join us over the next several Sundays as we explore this treasure of God's Word.
In this world, we need help to do it well. In a majestic and yet down to earth way, Paul's letter to the Ephesians provides a thorough guide to the wonders of the Good News and also the blueprint for living in its Light. Join us over the next several Sundays as we explore this treasure of God's Word.
Marriage & Family
Marriage and family are God's design, and He wants you to flourish in your home relationships.
Join us as we explore both the blessings and the challenges of Christian marriage and family life.
Join us as we explore both the blessings and the challenges of Christian marriage and family life.
finding faith
Jesus once told a parable about a poor widow who boldly asked a judge for help (Luke 18). Then he ended the story with a penetrating question: "When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" Each generation of believers must own this question. In this series we will look for people of faith in the Scriptures, and find shining examples in unlikely places. Let's allow their example to be our inspiration!.
Join us as we explore the life of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John. Often called the gospel of belief, John explicitly invites people to put their faith in Christ, and thus find eternal life. We will learn from Jesus himself about light and darkness, blindness and true spiritual vision, the Father's love, true glory, and a host of other truths.
More From 2021
Find special programs, inspiring testimonies, and sermons not part of our regular preaching series. Pastors, lay-ministers, church members and guests have participated in sharing with us truth from God's Word and gratefulness for God's compassionate action within their life.
We are living in turbulent times. How do we keep going and remain strong in our faith?
During these messages we will do a little 'prophet-sharing' and learn some lessons from the prophet Isaiah. He too lived in a time when God's people faced stress, threat, and were tempted to turn away. Join us to learn what God has to say to us through the visions of a faithful servant
from long ago.
During these messages we will do a little 'prophet-sharing' and learn some lessons from the prophet Isaiah. He too lived in a time when God's people faced stress, threat, and were tempted to turn away. Join us to learn what God has to say to us through the visions of a faithful servant
from long ago.
1 John
The apostle John was part of Jesus' inner circle of disciples, and enjoyed a close relationship
with the Savior. In the letter of 1 John he writes about faith, love, truth, and error.
He writes passionately about what it means to love God and others.
Join us as we explore the riches of this New Testament letter!
with the Savior. In the letter of 1 John he writes about faith, love, truth, and error.
He writes passionately about what it means to love God and others.
Join us as we explore the riches of this New Testament letter!
Join us each week as we study the wonderful book of Revelation. This book at the end of our Bibles has both fascinated and frustrated readers for centuries. Not all of it is easy to understand! But there is much "gold" to be mined in this Scripture and great blessing for all believers. Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, and all of history ends at his feet.
Click here for crossword puzzles from Revelation.
Click here for crossword puzzles from Revelation.
Cross Roads: In this season of Easter, we will follow Jesus in his steps toward the Cross in the Gospel of Mark. Just as Jesus chose his path deliberately and was not taken by surprise by his opposition, arrest, and crucifixion, he invites us to count the cost and follow him deliberately for the sake of the gospel. What will that mean for you?
More from 2020
Find special programs, inspiring testimonies, and sermons not part of our regular preaching series. Pastors, lay-ministers, church members and guests have participated in sharing with us truth from God's Word and gratefulness for God's compassionate action within their life.
LIFE RENOVATIONS: When we come to Jesus, we are drawn by His amazing grace and fathomless love. He is our Savior and Lord! Yet to live under His Lordship will automatically change us. He gives us new life! What will those life renovation look like?
Join us as we look at Paul's letter to the COLOSSIANS and discover more of what it means to follow and submit to Jesus Christ. God is not finished with you yet!
Join us as we look at Paul's letter to the COLOSSIANS and discover more of what it means to follow and submit to Jesus Christ. God is not finished with you yet!
Foundations of Faith
The Christian faith contains basic elements that, when you think about them and mine the Scriptures for what they mean, become no longer basic but wonderfully profound and
Listen to these messages as we explore things like WORSHIP, GRACE, THANKSGIVING, HOPE, ATONEMENT, and INCARNATION. All of these describe your relationship with God and how it shapes your life day by day!
Listen to these messages as we explore things like WORSHIP, GRACE, THANKSGIVING, HOPE, ATONEMENT, and INCARNATION. All of these describe your relationship with God and how it shapes your life day by day!
Action Heroes of Faith
Good examples are good to follow! Here's a look into the lives of biblical heroes who walked
in obedience to God and put their faith into action.
What lessons can we learn from them about living out our faith today?
in obedience to God and put their faith into action.
What lessons can we learn from them about living out our faith today?
easter Messages
In this marvelous Easter season, we will follow Jesus on His path to the Cross, taking time to remember His sacrifice, His love, His passion. We will also celebrate what these Easter events mean for us His followers.
We will praise His Name for this amazing salvation!
We will praise His Name for this amazing salvation!
Hearing Jesus
In His earthly ministry, Jesus gave us the clearest picture of what God is like, through His actions and His words. This series examines the words of Jesus in the Gospels: His teaching, His conversations, and His stories. He always got a reaction! Let us hear Jesus afresh!
More from 2019
Find special programs, inspiring testimonies, and sermons not part of our regular preaching series. Pastors, lay-ministers, church members and guests have participated in sharing with us truth from God's Word and gratefulness for God's compassionate action within their life.
Moses was a man who was used by God in incredible ways. He also witnessed amazing miracles as God rescued His people from slavery in Egypt. He was a leader, a prophet, and a man of prayer. This series looks at key events in Moses' life to discover how much God loves you and can use your life for His glory.
The wonders of salvation offered in the Good News of Jesus Christ are spectacular indeed.
Our greatest need is met with God's greatest act of rescue!
Our greatest need is met with God's greatest act of rescue!
Patrick Friesen
Worship is an easily thrown around word in most churches. But how does worship go beyond just what happens on Sunday and transform us in our everyday? We will begin by trying to bring clarity to worship by re-imagining it in light of Jesus. The focus will help us create space and time in order that our worship would produce in us a faithful witness.
Patrick Friesen is professor of Worship Arts at Steinbach Bible College.
Patrick Friesen is professor of Worship Arts at Steinbach Bible College.
More from 2018
Find special programs, inspiring testimonies, and sermons not part of our regular preaching series. Pastors, lay-ministers, church members and guests have participated in sharing with us truth from God's Word and gratefulness for God's compassionate action within their life.
Join us on Sundays for a look into the godly wisdom of the Book of James. With sometimes blunt practicality, James challenges us to put our faith into action and to walk with integrity.
One of the best things a friend can do for you is listen to you. Everyone has a longing to be heard and understood. As Christians we want to listen to the voice of God, yet we also want the assurance that he hears us. In our Bibles, the Psalms are a collection of prayers and songs that give voice to the heart-cry of God's people.
The newborn church stories are exciting and challenging at the same time. May we be filled afresh with the Spirit's power, and open to the Spirit's push. Often we like the idea of the former more than the latter.
The Lord's Prayer
Jesus knew His Heavenly Father the best. Let's take cues from Jesus himself as we seek to relate intimately with our God as Father!
More from 2017
Find special programs, inspiring testimonies, and sermons not part of our regular preaching series. Pastors, lay-ministers, church members and guests have participated in sharing with us truth from God's Word and gratefulness for God's compassionate action within their life.
More from 2016
Find special programs, inspiring testimonies, and sermons not part of our regular preaching series. Pastors, lay-ministers, church members and guests have participated in sharing with us truth from God's Word and gratefulness for God's compassionate action within their life.